How to effectively dry out wet shoes

posted in: House | 0

If you ask most people their ‘secret hack’ to dry out wet shoes they’ll probably trot out the time-honoured way handed down from their Mum: newspaper. This method is so entrenched in the communal psyche that it’s just blindly carried … Continued

“Alert and Considerate”: The thankless urban cyclist

posted in: General Rant | 1

Ask any pedestrian in Sydney’s CBD whether they think cyclists are ‘alert and considerate’ and I’m guessing the response will take on tones of sarcasm, coloured with brisk cynical laughter. But, of the two conflicting parties, I put it that … Continued

Popping the dishwashing bubble myth

posted in: House, Kitchen | 0

One of the key reasons I’m always looking for ways to make daily humdrum chores more quick, easy and effective is because I’m inherently lazy. I don’t wanna spend any more time and energy than necessary doing stuff, especially if … Continued

How I learned to stop a nosebleed

posted in: Bathroom, House | 1

A technique to solve a messy problem which, unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of opportunity to refine. Let me Dadsplain with a grisly anecdote… When I was… 5, I think… anyway, thereabouts – I had an ‘incident’ which I’ve related … Continued

Can you be an omnivore with a clear conscience?

posted in: General Rant | 1

I’ve just read with interest in the Sydney Morning Herald, Elizabeth Farrelly’s opinion piece on the new book; The Ethical Omnivore. Anyway, it reminded me of the time I saw a poster in town that read: Mum, why is it … Continued

How you hang toilet paper & your personality

posted in: Bathroom, House | 1

Toilet paper is an old pot-boiler for the opinionated Dad. But, of course, it got topical again in early 2020 when everyone decided their own ablution needs trumped everyone else’s igniting a panic hoarding frenzy. If I’m talking right now … Continued