I’m a Dad.

On the road to becoming a Dad, you pick up a few ‘hacks’ about how to function in life.

Bruce - The Dadsplainer

What Dadsplainer is not about is big important stuff like how to create a balanced investment portfolio. I know that comes under ‘stuff you should know’ but I’m not your guy for that.

No, it’s just the little day-to-day things that everyone does so routinely and mechanically that they don’t think about them.

I DO think about them – a little sad – and what’s worse, care. It’s obvious to me that most people DON’T care that there is a better way to the stuff they do every day and, furthermore, don’t want to be told.

That’s where I come in. Huh? Yeah, I totally realise that I’m gonna be spouting hard-won wisdom on uncaring ears – but I’ve had a lot of practice: I’m a Dad.